Tuesday, December 31, 2013

As 2013 comes to a close

As the year winds down, I reflect on the standout items of 2013, choices that left my heart full and my soul happy:
  • Starting graduate school at Northwestern - the Master’s in Learning and Organizational Change (MSLOC) program has blown me away as have my program peers and the faculty. I am inspired by what I am learning and it is exciting to apply program concepts within my professional and personal life. I have now survived two quarters and am looking forward to starting the third in January!
  • Working with my son to create the Global Water for Local Food campaign on charity: water - our first service project together allowed us to contribute on a global and local level, to make new friends, and to know that we used our time to make a positive difference in others’ lives. Thanks to everyone who contributed, we raised $850 to fund a clean water project in a developing nation (more updates to come!) and are well on our way to matching that amount in food items for our local food bank! Our latest drop off was just yesterday. :) Oliver has amazed me with his earnest interest, personal character and maturity as we’ve gone door to door collecting food.
  • Becoming a facilitator for the California PTA's School Smarts program - an amazing opportunity to grow as a person, meet other parents of young children and be a part of their journeys through the education system. Putting myself out there as a facilitator was out of my comfort zone and often nerve-racking. I’m not a natural public speaker, but am getting the hang of it. The experience reinforced for me that facing fears rewards in countless ways. I look forward to facilitating at another of our Alameda elementary school this January!
  • Cutting my hair and getting a dog - these certainly sound less monumental than the previous items! But honestly, they are some of the biggest decisions of the year because they physically represent my acknowledgement that life is short and needs to be fully embraced without fear. I have accomplished that this year. I have confidence that life always works out and that by making bold and thoughtful choices it is ever richer. (Thank you to the Up series for pushing this mindset shift along. If you haven't watched it, do!) And on a side note, loving my hair and our dog Henry is a sweet, rambunctious little soul. More bold choices sure to come in 2014!
  • Celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary - in May, we attended my cousin's beautiful wedding. Married within a day of my husband's and my 10 year anniversary, what better way to pay tribute to a life of committed love than by celebrating the start of another. :) Through the years, there have been ups and downs, as in any marriage. Today, I look at us and say, "YES!" we are a strong couple that has navigated those ups and downs and come out stronger for them. And while we can't ever know with certainty what the road ahead holds, I have faith that my partner and I will travel the road together. On to the next 10 years!
2013 confirmed that when I follow my heart, all aspects of my world naturally connect. And though it can be daunting to pave a new path, it is continually exciting and fascinating as well. Approaching my 37th birthday, I embrace the wisdom I’ve developed so far and look forward to the new lessons of 2014. As for goals? Hmmm...more blogging?

Love, Hope and Joy to all!